Clay 2 Glenn Barkley, Donna Green, Eloise Rankine, Brett Stone, Kati Watson
28 January - 21 February 2015
"Ceramics, for a long time the forgotten cousin of contemporary art, seems to be going through a re-evaluation. Its presence has been felt in such important events as the last Venice Biennale (2013) where curator Massimiliano Gioni privileged artmaking of an obsessive, humble and genuine kind over the increasingly cynical and market-driven spectacle art that we have come to associate with fairs and mega-exhibitions. This return to craft and the increasing interest in rapidly disappearing and obsolete ways of making can be tracked across disciplines, and is comparable to more prosaic activities like artisanal beer and bread-making, and slow food. But it's important to note that an unclear division exists between ?ceramic artists' and those who could be called artists who use ceramics."
- Glenn Barkley, ARTAND Australia, 2014
Our first show for 2015 will feature work in clay by 5 artists.
Functional, beautiful, hand made.
The craft/art divide remains elusive.